Autre(s) titre(s): ESPANYA AL DIA
Genre: Newsreel
Année: 1937
Description: Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. Ceremony for delivery of the battle flag to the Thaelmann Brigade. Speeches made by the representative of the factory that made the flag, a Spanish soldier from the Brigade, Popular Army Commander, Enrique Líster, and War Minister, General Jose Miaja. The ceremony concludes with the battalion on parade.
Mots-clés: discursos; banderes; entrega bandera combat; desfilades militars; Front d'Aragó; Líster Forján, Enrique; Miaja Menant, José; Guerra Civil Espanyola : 17/07/1936; 00/03/1937; 00/05/1937; documental Guerra Civil Espanyola; Cinema de propaganda / Madrid (ciutat) / Spanish Civil War documentary; Laya Films. News bulletin compilations; Propaganda film; official eventss; speeches; flags; delivery of the battle flag; military parades; The Aragon Front; Spanish Civil War;
Fournisseur: Filmoteca de Catalunya
Droits: In Copyright / Generalitat de Catalunya
Société de production: Laya Films
Couleur: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Type de document:
Recueil: Laya Films
Language: ca